[Math] 2 questions regarding logarithms


There are 2 similar questions on $\log$ that I'm unable to solve.

  1. Given that $\log_a xy^2 = p$ and $\log_a x^2/y^3 = q $. Express $\log_a 1/\sqrt{xy}$ or $\log_a 1/(xy)^{1/2}$ in terms of $p$ and $q$
    ($a$ is the base). I was thinking along the line of using $p – q$ but I can't seem to get $y^{1/2}$. The answers are $3p+\frac{2q}7$ and $-5p-\frac q{14}$

  2. Given that $\log_b(x^3y^2) = p$ and $\log_b(y/x) = q$. Express $\log_b(x^2y)$ in terms of $p$ and $q$ .($b$ is the base)

Best Answer

Hint: Try solving for $\log x$ and $\log y$ in terms of $p$ and $q$. Then use that result to get the values you're looking for.

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