[Math] 2 player dice game probability


For some homework in one of my classes, we are given this problem:

In a certain dice game, player $A$ rolls six six-sided dice vs. player $B$ who rolls nine four-sided dice. Each player rolls exactly once, and $A$ wins provided that the sum of his dice is strictly greater than $B$'s, otherwise $B$ wins. What is $A$'s probability of winning? Solve this analytically.

So, seeing how the highest number either one can get is $36$, I calculated each player's probabilities of making a number from within $1\dots 36$. However, I am stuck in terms of how to figure out $A$ probability of winning the dice roll. Can anyone explain to me the steps to figure this out?

Thank you kindly.

Best Answer

Well, if you have all the individual probabilities figured out, your answer would be:

$$ P(winning)=P(A>36\mid B=36)+P(A>35\mid B=35)+\cdots+P(A>4\mid B=4) $$

Since your events are independent, we have $$ P(winning)=P(A>36)P(B=36)+P(A>35)P(B=35)+\cdots+P(A>4)P(B=4) $$

Then $P(A>n)=\sum_{k=n+1}^{36} P(A=k)$ so $$ P(winning)=0\cdot P(B=36)+P(A=36)P(B=35)+\cdots+[P(A=36)+\cdots+P(A=4)]P(B=4)\\ $$

Finally, $$ P(winning)=\sum_{n=4}^{36}\left(P(B=n)\sum_{k=n+1}^{36} P(A=k)\right). $$

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