[Math] 10-hand card is dealt from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards


A 10-hand card is dealt from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. What is the probability that the hand contains at least two cards from each of the four suits?

Best Answer

You either need the suits distributed $4222$ or $3322$. The chance of $4222$ is $$\frac{{4 \choose 1} (\text{suit with four cards}) {13 \choose 4}{13 \choose 2}^3}{52 \choose 10}$$ The chance of $3322$ is $$\frac{{4 \choose 2} (\text{suits with three cards}) {13 \choose 3}^2{13 \choose 2}^2}{52 \choose 10}$$ for a total of $\displaystyle\frac {7592832}{27657385} \approx 0.2745$