Combinatorics – How Many Ways to Divide 10 Children into 2 Teams?

combinatoricsprobability theory

In order to play a game of basketball, $10$ children at a playground divide themselves into

  1. $2$ teams of $5$ each
  2. $2$ teams of $x_1$ and $x_2$

How many different divisions are possible? This is not a homework problem.

In general, I was thinking of something along the lines of
$$\binom{10}{x_1\ x_2} + \binom{10}{x_2\ x_1}$$

But as this problem is worded, it's not clear to me if this is overcounting because we have $2$ indistinguishable teams.

Textbook says

enter image description here

Best Answer

(1) Here, we have $\displaystyle \binom{9}{4} = \dfrac{9!}{4!5!}$. The point that matters here is that it is only after one child we'll call "A" takes a stance as a self-appointed captain to pick the rest of his/her team that the groups become distinguishable: A's group, and A's rejects. So Captain "A", has in fact, nine-choose $4$ ways to select the other four children on his/her now-identifiable group: the "A-team". The five unpicked (A-rejected) children become, by default, A-team's competition.

(2) We can use either the binomial coefficient or its equivalent expression as a multinomial coefficient: $\displaystyle \binom{10}{x_1} = \binom{10}{x_1, x_2} = \dfrac{10!}{x_1!\cdot x_2 !}$, because $x_1 + x_2 = 10$.