Matching in Bipartite Graphs – Saturation

bipartite-graphsgraph theorymatching-theory

I have the following question in my homework and I'm not sure how to go about proving it. Hall's Theorem states that the graph contains a matching saturating X is and only if |N(S)| >= |S| for all S _( X. First of all in this question it says that the first part is only greater and the second part is strictly a subset. Am I correct in interpreting the following: Since S is a non-empty subset of X, and N(S) > S for all S, doesn't that mean that every vertex in X has at least 2 edges going to Y? Because I could make S any single vertex and then I would have N(S) > S so there must be more than one edge going from X to Y right? If this is true, how does this help me make my proof?

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Best Answer

Your interpretation is correct, but I'm not sure if it is useful.

Take your graph and pick some edge $e \in E$. Then remove $e$ along with the two vertices it connects. Look for a matching in this new graph. Do you see a connection between a matching in this new graph and a matching in the original graph? Can you conclude that $e$ belongs to some matching of the original graph?