Markov chain Monte Carlo with stopping time

expected valuemarkov-processmonte carlonumerical methodsstopping-times

I'm doing my thesis where I'm required to compute the numerical value in the following problem:

Let $(X_t)$ be a continuous-time Markov chain such that

  • $X_0 = a$ almost surely.

  • The state space $V$ is finite and endowed with discrete topology.

  • The infintesimal generator is $L: V^2 \to \mathbb R$.

Let $D \subseteq V$ and consider the stopping time $$\tau = \inf \{ t \ge 0 \mid X_t \in D\}$$ Then I'm interested in computing $$\alpha = \mathbb E [X_\tau] \tag{1}$$

Update: I've found the algorithm to simulate $(X_t)$ as follows:

  1. Initialize the state of the system $x_0 = a$.

  2. For the given state $x$ of the system, calculate the transition rate $\lambda = -L(x,x)$.

  3. Simulate holding time at $x$ by drawing from an exponential distribution with mean $1/ \lambda$.

  4. Simulate the next state by drawing from the discrete distribution with probability $\mathbb P[\text{transition} = i] = L(x,i) / \lambda$ for all $i \neq x$.

  5. Iterate steps 2-4.

I would like to ask how can we modify this algorithm to simulate the stopped process $X_\tau$. Thank you so much!

Best Answer

Given the algorithm you have, and a condition defining $\tau$, i.e. the nature of $D$, simulate $X_t$ in small steps checking if $x_t \in D$ or not. Once $X_t \in D$ for the first time, you have found $\tau = t$.

Doing this for a large number of trials will get you the approximated pdf of $\tau$.


(Q1) When to stop a particular trial: One approach is to set a reasonable number of steps, and if you have not achieved it, record that. You will eventually have to make a call between calling this unreachable, or insufficient number of steps, but analysis of the transition matrix should tell you the point clusters.

(Q2) Determining a reasonable number of trials: This also is more of an art form that a science. When you see a clear pattern of convergence of the average, you can stop.