Manifold with injective continuous map into $\mathbb R^k$ admits embedding into $\mathbb R^{k+1}$


This is Problem 4-34 from John Lee's book Introduction to Topological Manifolds:

Suppose $M$ is an $n$-manifold that admits an injective continuous map
into $\mathbb R^k$ for some $k$. Show that $M$ admits a proper
embedding into $\mathbb R^{k+1}$. [Hint: use an exhaustion function]

My first thought was to let $f:M\to\mathbb R^k$ be the injective continuous map and let $g:M\to\mathbb R$ be an exhaustion function, then to map $x$ to $(f(x),g(x))$, but this isn't a homeomorphism.

In the book, it is proved that every compact manifold is homeomorphic to a subset of Euclidean space. Because of this, I was thinking that, since $g^{-1}((-\infty,c])$ is compact for every $c$, maybe I could consider for each $c$ a homeomorphism $h_c:g^{-1}((-\infty,c])\to\mathbb R^{k_c}$. However, I wasn't able to show that this leads to a proper embedding into $\mathbb R^{k+1}$.

I guess I'm not quite sure where to start with this since I'm not very familiar with how to use exhaustion functions/why they are useful. Also, I don't know anything about immersions or smooth manifolds, so I wasn't able to understand the stuff that I found online (which talked about the Whitney immersion theorem).


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Moishe Kohan has answered your question in his comment. However, let us first note that an injective continuous map $f : M \to \mathbb R^k$ is not necessarily an embedding (i.e. a homeomorphism onto $f(M)$). As an example take $f : M = (-1,2\pi) \to \mathbb R^2, f(x) = (\cos x,\sin x)$ for $x \ge 0$ and $f(x) = (1,-x)$ for $x \le 0$. The set $C = [\pi,2\pi)$ is closed in $M$, but $f(C)$ is not closed in $f(M)$. This is a phenomenon which is possible only for non-compact $M$. In fact, if $M$ is compact, then $f$ is a closed map.

If $g : M \to \mathbb R$ is an exhaustion function, then $F : M \to \mathbb R^{k+1}, F(x) = (f(x),g(x))$, is an embedding. It suffices to show that $F$ is a closed map. So let $C \subset M$ be closed and let $(y,t)$ be contained in the closure of $F(C)$. Hence there exists a sequence $(x_n)$ in $M$ such that $F(x_n) \to (y,t)$, i.e. $f(x_n) \to y$ and $g(x_n) \to t$. W.l.o.g. we may assume that $g(x_n) < t + 1$ for all $n$. Hence $(x_n)$ is a sequence in $K = g^{-1}((-\infty, t+1])$ which is compact. Thus it has a convergent subsequence $(x_{n_k})$ with limit $x \in K$. Since $C$ is closed, we conclude $x \in C$. Thus $f(x_{n_k}) \to f(x)$ and therefore $f(x) = y$ by the uniqueness of limits. Hence $(y,t) \in f(C)$.