$M$ is a point in an equalateral $ABC$ of area $S$. $S’$ is the area of the triangle with sides $MA,MB,MC$. Prove that $S’\leq \frac{1}{3}S$.


$M$ is a point in an equilateral triangle $ABC$ with the area $S$. Prove that $MA, MB, MC$ are the lengths of three sides of a triangle which has area $$S'\leq \frac{1}{3}S$$

We can assume that side of a triangle $ABC$ is $1$. Further let $CM =x$ and $\angle KCM =\gamma$. Rotate $M$ around $C$ for $-60^{\circ}$ in to $F$. Then the area of triangle $AMF$ is the one we are looking for and it's area is area of $AMCF$ minus area of equilateral triangle $CFM$, so $$4S' = -x^2\sqrt{3}+2x\sin (60^{\circ}+\gamma)$$
and this should be easy to calculate that is less than ${\sqrt{3}\over 3}$.

If we see $S'$ quadratic function on $x$ we get:
$$ 4S'\leq {1\over \sqrt{3}}\sin (60^{\circ}+\gamma)\leq {1\over \sqrt{3}}$$
From here we can see that equality is achieved iff $\gamma = 30^{\circ}$ and $x= {\sqrt{3}\over 3} = {2\over 3}v$ where $v$ is altitude of triangle $ABC$. That is, equality is achieved iff $M$ is gravity centre of $ABC$.

I'm interested in different solutions (for example without trigonometry).

Best Answer

Reflect $M$ with respect to the sides of $ABC$. You get an hexagon whose area is $2S$: enter image description here The hexagon can be decomposed as the union between $A'B'C'$ (whose side lengths are $\sqrt{3}MA,\sqrt{3}MB,\sqrt{3}MC$) and the isosceles triangles $CA'B',BC'A',AB'C'$. It follows that $$ 2S = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}(AM^2+BM^2+CM^2)+ 3 S'$$ where $S'$ is the area of a triangle with side lengths $MA,MB,MC$. By Weitzenbock's inequality $AM^2+BM^2+CM^2 \geq 4\sqrt{3}S'$, hence $S'\leq \frac{S}{3}$ as wanted.