Looking for a sigmoid-like function with convex segment around origin

analysisfunctionsspecial functions

I am looking for a function with some specific properties (this is for a probabilistic simulation). It should be a function that is runs though (and is symmetric) the origin and asymptotically approaches $-1$ and $1$ as its parameter goes from negative to positive. Any sigmoid function would fit the bill but I ideally want it to have a convex component around the zero (i.e. I want its value to be more similar around zero) and all sigmoid functions that I am aware of change rather quickly. See the attached badly drawn picture for an illustration.

enter image description here

Would appreciate any pointers! Computationally less expensive functions are prefered.

Best Answer

Try this: $$\frac{2}{\pi}\arctan(x^3)$$ The idea is if you have a sigmoid function that is linear around $0$, you can get the desired result if you change $x$ into something that varies slower than $x$ around $0$. If you want to change the width, replace $x^3$ with $\alpha x^3$.

The same would also work for $$\frac{2}{1+e^{-x^3}}-1$$

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