Topos Theory – Logical Disjunction in Elementary Toposes


I'm following Goldbaltt's Topoi: The categorial analysis of logic. I use this book's notation, but it is quite standard.

At some point, he defines disjunction as the morphism
which is the character of the image of the morphism
Using the epi-mono factorization
$$w=\text{im}(w)w^*:\Omega+\Omega\to w(\Omega+\Omega)\to\Omega\times\Omega$$
I have managed to prove that
$$\top\curlyvee\top = \curlyvee\langle\top,\top\rangle=\curlyvee\langle\top !_\Omega\top,\mathbf{1}_\Omega\top\rangle=\curlyvee\langle\top !_\Omega,\mathbf{1}_\Omega\rangle\top=\curlyvee wi_1\top=$$
$$=\curlyvee\text{im}(w)w^*i_1\top=\top!_{w(\Omega+\Omega)}w^*i_1\top=\top!_{\Omega+\Omega}i_1\top=\top !_\Omega\top=\top$$
And similary, using $\curlyvee\text{im}(w)w^*i_1\bot$ and $\curlyvee\text{im}(w)w^*i_2\bot$ it can be proven that
$$\top\curlyvee\bot=\bot\curlyvee\top = \top$$

I'm having lots of trouble proving that $\bot\curlyvee\bot = \bot$.
Goldblatt himself leaves this unproven until much later in the book, after he has developed other tools to work with truth values. However I would like a diagram-chasing proof that doesn't require introducing new definitions and lemmas.

I've already tried many things (and failed): trying to replicate a proof from the topos of sets, trying to use the universal property of the image of $w$ together with the $\Omega$-axiom…

Whatever I try, I can't complete the diagram with the key morphism.

Is it possible to find the proof I'm looking for?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Unfortunately, I was not able to find a direct series of computations as you were asking for. However, I did find an argument that hopefully is reasonably elementary.

First, considering the monomorphism $(\bot, \bot) : 1 \to \Omega \times \Omega$, observe that since $(\bot_\Omega, 1_\Omega) : \Omega \to \Omega \times \Omega$ is the pullback of $\bot : 1 \to \Omega$ along $\pi_1 : \Omega\times\Omega \to \Omega$, we have $$\chi_{(\bot,\bot)} \circ (\top_\Omega, 1_\Omega) \le \chi_{(\bot_\Omega, 1_\Omega)} \circ (\top_\Omega, 1_\Omega) = \chi_\bot \circ \pi_1 \circ (\top_\Omega, 1_\Omega) = \chi_\bot \circ \top \circ {!}_\Omega = \bot !_\Omega.$$ Now, since $\bot !_\Omega$ is the minimum element of $\operatorname{Hom}(\Omega, \Omega)$, we conclude that $\chi_{(\bot,\bot)} \circ (\top_\Omega, 1_\Omega) = \bot !_\Omega$. A similar argument, using $\pi_2$ in place of $\pi_1$, shows that $\chi_{(\bot,\bot)} \circ (1_\Omega, \top_\Omega) = \bot !_\Omega$ also. Therefore, $\chi_{(\bot,\bot)} \circ w = \bot !_{\Omega+\Omega}$.

Now, since $\bar w$ is an epimorphism, we get that $\chi_{(\bot,\bot)} \circ \operatorname{im} (w) = \bot !_{w(\Omega\times\Omega)}$. As a result, we have a pullback diagram $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} 0 @>>> w(\Omega\times\Omega) \\ @VVV @VV \operatorname{im}(w) V \\ 1 @> (\bot,\bot) >> \Omega\times\Omega. \end{CD}$$ Now flipping this diagram and reading it the other way, we can conclude that $\curlyvee \circ (\bot,\bot) = \chi_{\operatorname{im}(w)} \circ (\bot,\bot) = \bot$.