Logic behind Pisano period

elementary-number-theoryfibonacci-numbersmodular arithmeticnumber theory

I just came to know about Pisano periods, and it's amazing application in computing modulus of large Fibonacci numbers. I know that a Pisano period periodically starts at $0,1$, but I haven't been able to figure out why this pattern occurs periodically.

Is there any underlying concept behind this pattern, or was it just pure luck that it was discovered?

Best Answer

We consider the Fibonacci sequence with $f_0=0,f_1=1$ and $f_{n+2}=f_{n+1}+f_n\;\forall\;n\geq0$. Consider the pairs of consecutive Fibonacci numbers $(f_k,f_{k+1})$ modulo $n$. There are only $n^2$ possible pairs like this. Hence by pigeon hole principle $\exists$ two distinct pairs $(f_r,f_{r+1})$ and $(f_s,f_{s+1})$ which are identical modulo $n$. Let $r>s$. Then $$f_r\equiv f_s\pmod{n}$$ $$f_{r+1}\equiv f_{s+1}\pmod{n}$$ which implies $$f_{r+2}=f_r+f_{r+1}\equiv f_s+f_{s+1}=f_{s+2}\pmod{n}$$ and $$f_{r-1}=f_{r+1}-f_r\equiv f_{s+1}-f_s=f_{s-1}\pmod{n}$$ proceeding this way we get that $$f_{r-s}\equiv f_0\pmod{n}, f_{r-s+1}\equiv f_1\pmod{n}$$ hence the sequence $f_n$ is periodic with period $r-s$.

Moreover let $$\mathcal{F}=\begin{bmatrix} 1&1\\1&0 \end{bmatrix}$$ in $GL_2(\mathbb{Z/n\mathbb{Z}})$

If $\pi(n)$ is the Pisano period modulo $n$ then $$\mathcal{F}^{\pi(n)}=I$$

From this we can conclude that the Pisano period is even. $$\mathrm{det}(\mathcal{F}^{\pi(n)})=(-1)^{\pi(n)}=1$$ which implies $\pi(n)$ is even.

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