Locating focus and semi latus-rectum of conic by R&C construction.

conic sectionsgeometric-constructionsolid-geometry

A cone semi-vertex angle $\gamma$ is cut by a plane inclined at angle $\alpha$ to symmetry axis. Length of perpendicular on plane from the cone vertex is $q$.

Conic section sketch

It is known that eccentricity

$$ \epsilon =\frac{\cos\alpha}{\cos\gamma} $$

can be calculated. But can the semi latus-rectum $p$ or its length $\dfrac {q}{p}=f(\alpha,\gamma)$ be represented/found by geometric construction?

Thanks in advance for suggestion of a simple Ruler/Compass construction.

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Best Answer

If $V$ and $W$ are the vertices of the conic section, and $VV'$, $WW'$ are perpendicular to the axis of the cone, then the latus rectum is given by (see here for details): $$ 2p={VV'\cdot WW'\over VW}. $$ This is valid for an ellipse or hyperbola: the equation for a parabola can be recovered by letting $OW\to\infty$, where $O$ is the cone vertex.

enter image description here


See below for a ruler-and-compass construction of foci $F$ and $G$, based on the formula for the distance between a focus and the center of the ellipse $c={1\over2}\sqrt{VW^2−VV'\cdot WW'}$.

enter image description here