Local Contractibility of Homeomorphism Group of $\mathbb{R}^n$


For this question, let $X = \mathbb{R}^n$, and let $Aut(X)$ be the group of self-homeomorphisms with the compact-open topology.

Then I know that $Aut(X)$ is both locally path-connected, and locally contractible. I have a decent sense of the implications of local path-connectedness: Two homeomorphisms which are sufficiently close in the compact-open topology can be joined by an isotopy of $X$.

But I don't have a good sense of what local contractibility means for this group. I've read that spaces very similar to $X$, for example Euclidean Neighborhood Retracts, don't necessarily have locally contractible homeomorphism groups. Why would that be?

What's the geometric interpretation of local contractibility for these
spaces? How do you use it?

Thanks! Sorry it's a bit of a 'soft question.'

Best Answer

According to Černavskiĭ, the local contractibility of $Homeo(M)$ for a noncompact topological manifold $M$ implies that $M$ could be the interior of a compact manifold with boundary. Of course this is true when $M=\mathbb{R}^n$. For a statement see p.8, Th.2, of his paper

A. Černavskiĭ, Local Contractibility of the Group of Homeomorphisms of a Manifold, 1969 Math. USSR Sb. 8 287.

Notes: If $M$ is a metrisable topological manifold, then $Homeo(M)$ in the compact-open topology is a metrisable topological group. If $M$ is compact, then $Homeo(M)$ is locally contractible. If $M$ is noncompact, then $Homeo(M)$ may fail to be locally contractible (cf. Kirby-Edwards). The implication is that $Homeo(M)$ for compact $M$ may be an ANR. This is known to be true in dimensions $\leq 2$ (cf. Yagasaki) however it is an open problem for dimensions $\geq3$.

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