Linear system and base points


I'm using Chapter IV, Lemma 4.2 of Hartshorne's AG to better understand the concept of linear systems and base points.

This lemma states for any two points $P,Q$ (not necessarily distinct) in an elliptic curve $X$ (over an algebraically closed field), we can find an automorphism $\sigma$ of $X$ such that $\sigma$ sends $P$ to $Q$.

The first line of the proof talks about the linear system $|P+Q|$ having dimension $1$ and is base point-free. But the definition of a linear system is a subset of a complete linear system $|D_0|$ of all effective divisors linearly equivalent to some divisor $D_0$. In this case is it referring to the complete linear system $|P+Q|$ and the subset in this case is just the whole of $|P+Q|$?

Also, why does $|P+Q|$ have dimension $1$? I know that the dimension is given to be the dimension of $$V=\{s \in \Gamma(X, \mathcal{L}(P+Q)):(s)_0 \in |P+Q|\}\cup \{0\}$$ minus $1$. Does the dimension of $V$ somehow coincide with the degree of the divisor $P+Q$, which in this case is $2$?

Finally, why is $|P+Q|$ base point-free? The definition of base point given says that $S \in X$ is a base point of the linear system $|P+Q|$ if $S \in \mathrm{Supp}\,D$ for all $D \in |P+Q|$. $\mathrm{Supp} \, D$ refers to the union of the prime divisors of $D$. I cannot make any sense of a prime divisor of an element in a linear system, so I'm confused by this definition.

Any explanations would be appreciated.

Best Answer

  1. Yes, the complete linear system.

  2. Because $l(P+Q)=2$ by Riemann-Roch, and $|D|$ is the projectivization of the vector space of global sections.

  3. The term "linear system" is really an abbreviation of "linear system of divisors". Given $s\in V$ as in your post, the divisor associated to this is $(s)_0$ (this has some different conventions associated to it - Hartshorne takes poles instead of zeros, for instance). Since it's a specific divisor, you can ask whether some point is in the support or not.

  4. Suppose $|P+Q|$ had a base point - that is, there was some point $A$ so that every divisor in $|P+Q|$ could be written as $A+B$ for $B$ variable. Then given two distinct points $B_1,B_2$ so that $A+B_1$ and $A+B_2$ are in $|P+Q|$ (which must exist as $\dim |P+Q|=1$), the ratio of a global section with zeroes at $A+B_1$ and a global section with zeroes at $A+B_2$ is a global section with a single zero and a single pole, therefore defining an isomorphism of your elliptic curve with $\Bbb P^1$. But that's absurd.