Linear programming – Objective function is a multiple of one of the constraints

linear programmingoptimization

I wondered if someone could explain to me the intuition of what it would mean if the objective function in a Linear Programme is a multiple of one of the constraints?

I am thinking it means that the lines are parallel with the objective function being at a different contour. Does this imply anything about the uniqueness of an optimal solution? Would appreciate some intuition

Best Answer

It means indeed that the optimal solution is not unique, if it exists. The corresponding constraint must be active. In a linear program with two variables it can be shown graphically. An example. Le´t suppose you have the following program:

$\textrm{max} \ Z=500x_{1}+300x_{2}$


$15x_{1}+5x_{2}\leq 300$

$10x_{1}+6x_{2}\leq 240$

$8x_{1}+12x_{2}\leq 450$

$x_{1},x_{2}\geq 0$

We can solve the objective funktion for $x_2$: $ \, \, \, x_2=\frac{Z}{300}-\frac53x_1$. This function has a slope of $\color{red}{-\frac53}$. And we can solve the second constraint (equality) for $x_2$ as well:

$10x_{1}+6x_{2}=240\Rightarrow x_2=40\color{red}{-\frac53}x_2$

For more detailed information with a graph to this example see here.