Linear independence of symmetric tensors

multilinear-algebratensor decompositiontensor-productstensor-ranktensors

I am reading a paper that incidentally uses a bit of theory of symmetric tensor spaces. I came across the following claim:

If we're given linearly independent vectors
$x_1, \ldots, x_n \in \mathbb{R}^n$, then the tensors from the following set

$\{H_T = \sum_{\sigma \in S_{n-t}} \prod_{i \notin T} x_{T(\sigma(i))}:T \subset \{1,\ldots,n \}, |T|=t \}$

are linearly independent.

By $T(i)$ i mean the i-th element of the set $\{1, \ldots,n \} \; \backslash\; T$, and the product sign denotes tensor product.

I'm not really fluent in tensor algebras and when I tried proving it directly, expressing each $x_i$ in terms of standard basis, I drowned in the summing indices.
Any help regarding a proof of this claim would be appreciated.

Best Answer

The determinant of the $H_T$'s is a power of the determinant of the $x_i$'s, possibly times a nonzero numerical constant. See where this is discussed.

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