Linear Equivalence of Divisors Implies Algebraic Equivalence


The highlighted sections are taken from Volume 1 of "Basic Algebraic Geometry" by Igor Shafarevich.

Definition: Let $ X $ and $ T $ be two arbitrary irreducible varieties. For any point $ t \in T $ the map $ j_{t}: x \mapsto (x,t) $ defines an embedding $ X \hookrightarrow X \times T. $ Every divisor $ C $ on $ X \times T $ with $ \operatorname{Supp}C \not \supset X \times t $ defines a pullback divisor $ j_{t}^{*}(C) $ on $ X. $ In this case we say that $ j^{*}_{t}(C) $ is defined.

On page 188, the author shows that linear equivalence of divisors implies algebraic equivalence. There are a few details that I am having some difficulty with:

It is enough to prove this for equivalence to $ 0. $

I don't quite see why.

He proceeds with the proof:

Suppose that $ D \in \operatorname{Div}X $ and $ D \sim 0, $ that is $ D = \operatorname{div}g $ with $ g \in k(X). $ Consider the variety $ T = \mathbb{A}^{2} \backslash (0,0), $ and write $ u,v $ for coordinates on $ \mathbb{A}^{2}. $ We can view $ g,u,v $ as functions on $ X \times T, $ meaning the pullbacks $ p^{*}(g),q^{*}(u) $ and $ q^{*}(v), $ where as usual $ p: X \times T \rightarrow X $ and $ q: X \times T \rightarrow T $ are the projections.

In what sense does invoking the pullbacks equate to viewing $ g,u $ and $ v $ as functions on $ X \times T$?

And finally:

Set $ C = \operatorname{div}(u+vg) $ and consider the algebraic family of divisors $ f $ defined by the divisor $ C $ on $ X \times T. $ One checks that $ f(1,0) = 0$(the zero divisor) and $ f(0,1) = D, $ and hence $ D \equiv 0. $

I understand the reason why we are checking that $ f(0,1) = D, $ and $ f(0,1) = 0. $ By definition of algebraic equivalence, we only need to check that there are such points in $ T = \mathbb{A}^{2}\backslash (0,0) $ whose images are the divisors in question. My problem is that I don't know how to actually check this. I know that $ f(t) = j^{*}_{t})(C) $ by definition of a family of divisors, but I don't know how to use this.

Best Answer

It is enough to prove this for equivalence to 0.

In the paragraph immediately before this, Shafarevich notes that algebraic equivalence is compatible with addition. So $D_1 \equiv D_2$ if and only if $D_1 - D_2 \equiv 0$.

In what sense does invoking the pullbacks equate to viewing $ g,u $ and $ v $ as functions on $ X \times T$?

An element $g \in k(X)$ of the function field is the same as a rational map $g: X \dashrightarrow \mathbb{P}^1$. The pullback map $p^*: k(X) \to k(X \times T)$ is just precomposition, so $p^*(g) = g \circ p: X \times T \to X \dashrightarrow \mathbb{P^1}$.

Set $ C = \operatorname{div}(u+vg) $ and consider the algebraic family of divisors $ f $ defined by the divisor $ C $ on $ X \times T. $ One checks that $ f(1,0) = 0$(the zero divisor) and $ f(0,1) = D, $ and hence $ D \equiv 0. $

Since $u, v$ are the coordinates on $T = \mathbb{A}^2 \setminus \{(0,0)\}$, he's just saying set $(u,v) = (1,0)$ and $(u,v) = (0,1)$. When $(u,v) = (1,0)$ we have $C|_{(u,v) = (1,0)} = \DeclareMathOperator{\div}{div} \div(1) = 0$ since the constant function $1$ has no zeroes or poles, and $C|_{(u,v) = (0,1)} = \div(g) = D$.