Linear conjugate of a cubic polynomial

abstract-algebralinear algebrapolynomials

In any polynomial ring (but especially $K[x]$, $K$ number field) Is it true that for any cubic polynomial $p(x)$ there exist a linear polynomial $l(x)$ such that $l\circ p\circ l^{-1}=x^3+c$ for some constant $c\in K$?

We know it exists for quadratic polynomials but i wonder it exists for cubics or not.

Thank you.

Best Answer

$\newcommand{gae}[1]{\newcommand{#1}{\operatorname{#1}}}\gae{Frac}$No. For instance, that is impossible (at least, in domains) for polynomials in the form $(x-a)^2(x-b)$ with $a\ne b$.

Added: This is due to the fact that, if such an affine map existed, then your polynomial would have the same number of distinct roots in $\Frac K$ as $x^3+c-l(0)$. However, $x^3+\alpha$ may only have $0$, $1$ or $3$ distinct roots in the field $\Frac K$.

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