Linear algebra word problem with hourly wages

linear algebraword problem

The painter, the plumber and the electrician set up the joint venture and agreed to work within it for ten hours each week according to the following schedule.

enter image description here

For example, the first column of the table shows that the painter makes two
hours of work for himself, four hours of work for a plumber and four hours of work for an electrician. The first row of the table shows that the painter is paying for himself
two hours of work, one hour of work for a plumbing installer and five hours for an electrician. Because of taxation, each of them has to set an hourly wage for their work. They choose their hourly wage so that everyone receives a total of as
much as they have to pay others. Which hourly wages should they choose if the hourly wages need to be integers between $30 \dots 60$?
Create a linear system equations describing the situation and solve it either with a computer or manually. What will be the painters, plumbers and electrician's hourly wage?

This didn't seem too complicated at first, but the part " integers between $30 \dots 60$" got me confused. How do I construct the augmented matrix from this?

Best Answer


The crucial information is this one: "They choose their hourly wage so that everyone receives a total of as much as they have to pay others"

Let $w_1, w_2$ and $w_3$ be the hourly wages for the painter, plumber and the electrician respectively.

Then the painter has to pay $2w_1+1w_2+5w_3$ (first row). The painter works 10 hours ($=2+4+4$, first column) for an hourly wage of $w_1$ . Thus the equation for the painter is


It remains to set up the equations for the plumber and the electrician. Then the three equations are linear dependent. That means that it is sufficient to use two of the three equations only and the solution of $w_2$ and $w_3$ can be written in terms of $w_1$.

At the end use the condition "... hourly wages need to be integers between $30…60$" to find a unique solution.

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