Linear Algebra – How to find all $2\times3$ matrices $A$ that satisfy the equation: $A\times[1\;1\;1]^T=[0\;0]^T$


I wrote out A as a matrix looking like this:
And then using the equation $A\times[1\;1\;1]^T=[0\;0]^T$ I came to this system of equations:


So basically $A$ could be a matrix like this:


or this:

So I am able to find examples of such $A's$ but I don't know how to find all these $A's$.

I also need to find the dimension and basis for the linear space that these matrices create – the dimension is $6$ but what is the basis?

Best Answer

Notice that:

$$\begin{cases} a_1+a_2+a_3=0\\ a_4+a_5+a_6=0 \end{cases}$$

is a system of $2$ equations and $6$ variables. We can introduce $6-2 = 4$ real parameters, $x$, $y$, $z$ and $w$, such that:

$$\begin{cases} a_1 = -x-y\\ a_2 = x\\ a_3 = y\\ a_4 = -z-w\\ a_5 = z\\ a_6= w \end{cases}.$$

Therefore, all matrices $A$ which satisfy you requirements are in the form:


for given parameters $x, y, z$ and $w$.

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