Line integral over a broken line

calculusintegrationmultivariable-calculusvector analysis

I have a question about line integrals,

Q: Evaluate the line integral,


Where C is the broken line from $A(0, \sqrt{\pi}, 3)$ to $B(0, \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}, -1)$ connecting $(0, \sqrt{\pi}, 3)$, $(1,3,5)$, $(0,\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}},-1)$.

I could solve this question if it was given a curve but I can't figure out how to solve this.

I tried to use the method on this question but I couldn't parametrize the lines.

How can I solve this question?


Best Answer

The vector field is conservative with potential

$$f(x,y,z) = e^{x^2-z}\sin(y^2)-3xy^3+6z^2$$

Can you take it from here?

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