Line equation tangent to convex level curve

calculusconvex optimizationcurveseconomicsmultivariable-calculus

Suppose we are given a differentiable function $f(x,y)$ such that $\forall$ $t \in \mathbb{R}$, $f = t$ yields strictly convex level curves. If we are given a line equation $L:y = mx + c$ such that it always intersects two points of a level curve or is tangent to it or does not intersect at all, will it mean that a level curve tangent to $y = mx + c$ always exists?

This is required for a different (convex optimization) problem that I am trying to solve. I am not sure if this holds, but intuitively it feels like that, although I don't have a solid intuition to solve this. Using the Mean Value Theorem, one can say that a tangent with slope $m$ exists that will intersect a given level curve. But I can't extend this to prove that the line $y = mx + c$ itself will be tangent to some level curve.

Update: The problem is almost solved (thanks to @copper.hat), but there's a case that I can rule out. Please see my last comment below this post.

Best Answer

Why is the graph below impossible?


Let $\displaystyle m_1=\min_{p\in[p_1,p_2]}f(p)$ and $\displaystyle m_2=\max_{p\in[p_1,p_2]}f(p)$. WLOG, let the two outer intersection points in the graph be $p_1$ and $p_2$ from left to right, i.e., $f(p_1)=f(p_2)=m_2$. Let the inner two points be $A$ and $B$ from left to right, i.e., $f(A)=f(B)=m_1$. We have $m_1<m_2$; otherwise, the line intersects the level curve $f(x,y)=m_1$ at those four points.

Let $E$ be the midpoint between $A$ and $B$.

  • $f(E) = m_1$. The level curve that passes through $E$ also passes $A$ and $B$.
  • $f(E) > m_1$. The level curve $f(x,y)=\min(f(E),m_2)$ passes a point between $p_1$ and $A$ that is not $A$, a point between $A$ and $E$, a point between $B$ and $p_2$.

However, any strictly convex curve intersects with any line at no more than $2$ points. Hence, the graph above is impossible.

Please see a complete proof below, anyway, if you read the graph differently.

A complete proof

Given point $A\in\mathbb R^2$, let its coordinate be $(A_x, A_y)$ and $f(A)=f(A_x,A_y)$ by slight abuse of $f$. Let $\mathcal C_A$ be the level curve of $f$ that passes $A$, i.e. the curve defined by the equation $f(x,y)=f(A)$.

Pick an abitrary point $P\in \mathcal L$. Since $P\in \mathcal L\cap \mathcal C_P$, by assumption, $|\mathcal L\cap \mathcal C_P|=2$ or $\mathcal L$ is tangent to $\mathcal C_P$. If it is the latter case, we are done.

Otherwise, $|\mathcal L\cap \mathcal C_P|=2$. Let $Q\in \mathcal L\cap \mathcal C_P$, $Q\not=P$. WLOG, suppose $P_x<Q_x$; otherwise, just switch $P$ and $Q$.

$f$ on line segment $\overline{PQ}$ cannot be constant; otherwise, $\mathcal L\cap\mathcal C_P$ would contain infinitely many points. There are two cases.

  • The minimum value of $f$ on $\overline{PQ}$ is smaller than $f(P)$.
    Suppose the minimum value is reached at $S$ for some $S\in\overline{PQ}$. Then $f(S)\lt f(P)$, $S\not=P$ and $S\not=Q$.

    Claim. Let $B\in \mathcal L$, $B\not=S$. Then $f(S)\lt f(B)$.
    Proof. Let $g(x):x\to \mathbb R$, $g(x)=f(\text{the point on $\mathcal L$ with first coordinate }x)$. $g(P_x)=f(P)=f(Q)=g(Q_x)$.

    Suppose $f(S)\ge f(B)$ for the sake of contradiction. There are several cases of $B_x$.

    • $B_x<P_x$.

      $\quad\quad\begin{matrix}\mathcal L:\ \\\ \end{matrix} \overline{\quad\quad B\quad\quad P\quad\quad\phantom{B}\quad\phantom{D}\quad S\quad \quad\quad Q\quad\quad\quad}$

      Since $g$ is continuous, $g(x)=\frac{f(S)+f(P)}2$ as an equation in $x$ has one root in interval $(B_x, P_x)$, a root in interval $(P_x, S_x)$ and a root in interval $(S_x, Q_x)$. That means $\mathcal L$ intersects the level curve $f(x,y)=\frac{f(S)+f(P)}2$ at three points, which cannot be true.

    • $B_x = P_x$, which is not possible since $f(S)<f(P)$.

    • $P_x<B_x<S_x$. Since $g(S_x)$ is the minimum value of $g$ on $[P_x, Q_x]$, $f(S)\le f(B)$. Hence $f(S)=f(B)$.
      Let $D$ be the midpoint of $B$ and $S$.
      $\quad\quad\begin{matrix}\mathcal L:\ \\\ \end{matrix} \overline{\quad\quad\phantom{B}\quad\quad P\quad\quad B\quad D\quad S\quad\quad\quad Q\quad\quad\quad}$

      • If $f(S)=f(D)$, then $\mathcal L$ intersects the level curve $\mathcal C_S$ at $B, D, S$, which cannot be true.
      • Otherwise, $f(S) < f(D)$ since $g(S_x)$ is the minimum value of $g$ on $[P_x, Q_x]$. Then $g(x)=\frac{f(S)+\min(f(P), f(D))}2$ as an equation in $x$ has one root in interval $(P_x, B_x)$, one root in interval $(B_x, D_x)$ and one root in interval $(D_x,S_x)$. That cannot be true.
    • The remaining cases are symmetric to the cases above. $\quad\checkmark$

    The claims says $\mathcal L$ intersects $\mathcal C_S$ only at $S$. That means $\mathcal L$ is tangent to $\mathcal C_S$.

  • The minimum value of $f$ on $\overline{PQ}$ is bigger than $f(P)$.
    This case is symmetric to the case above.

Proof is completed.