Line bundle on the Jacobian of a curve which restricts to the canonical bundle


Consider $J$, the Jacobian of a smooth projective genus two curve $C$over complex numbers. Let $L$ be a line bundle such that $L|_C$ is $K_C$, the canonical bundle of $C$. Can we say that $L\simeq O_J(C)$. If not, is there some relation between these two line bundles. Do we know that $L$ has a section?

Best Answer

If $g(C) = 2$ so that $C \subset J$ is a divisor, then by adjunction $$ K_C = (K_J + C)\vert_C = C\vert_C $$ since $K_J = 0$. So, indeed, $L = O_J(C)$ works.

Since the restriction map $Pic^0(J) \to Pic^0(C)$ is an isomorphism, this is the only line bundle with this property.

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