Limit with polar coordinates $ \lim_{(x,y) \to (0,0)} \frac{x^3y}{x^4+y^2} = 0$


I need to prove that

$$ \lim_{(x,y) \to (0,0)} \frac{x^3y}{x^4+y^2} = 0$$

I'm using polar coordinates

$$\lim_{\rho \to 0} \frac{\rho^4\cos^3(\theta)\sin(\theta)}{\rho^2(\rho^2\cos^4(\theta)+\sin^2(\theta))} = \lim_{\rho \to 0} \frac{\rho^2\cos^3(\theta)\sin(\theta)}{\rho^2\cos^4(\theta)+\sin^2(\theta)} $$

From that point I can't find a function $g(\rho)\to 0$ for $\rho\to0$.


This is where I get stuck. Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

The proof with polar is messy, but I will finish it, and then provide an alternative approach.

Polar Approach:

The key is to consider the cases when $\sin^2(\theta)<\rho$ and $\sin^2(\theta)\ge\rho$.

When $\sin^2(\theta)<\rho$ we have


When $\sin^2(\theta)\ge\rho$ we have


Hence the limit is $0$, independent of $\theta$.

Alternative Approach:

Polar relies on $\rho^2=x^2+y^2$, which, in this case, results in a fairly messy expression. Alternatively, we can let $\rho^2=x^4+y^2$ to match our denominator. We thus have the inequalities $\rho^2\ge x^4$ and $\rho^2\ge y^2$, or $|x|\le\sqrt\rho$ and $|y|\le\rho$ (since $\rho>0$). Then we have


which is a much cleaner proof.