Limit of two variables function by defintion


I have to prove by definition that


Can I say that since
$$|x^{2}|=|x|^{2}\leq x^{2}+y^{2}$$
and therefore

I'm not sure about the last inequality, but it's the only way I found to try to write $\delta$ using $\epsilon$.


I tried to change the variables:
$$x=\bar{x}+3,\quad y=\bar{y}+\pi$$
so, I have the limit
and, still
but now I must to find $\delta$ such that
implies on
$$\sqrt{\bar{x}^{2}+\bar{y}^{2}}<\delta\Rightarrow \bar{x}^{2}+\bar{y}^{2}<\delta^{2}$$
and, therefore
$$|\bar{x}|^{2}=\bar{x}^{2}\leq \bar{x}^{2}+\bar{y}^{2}<\delta^{2}\Rightarrow |\bar{x}|^{2}<\delta^{2}$$
and so
Then, if I take
the limit is proved.

I want to know if it's right.

Best Answer

You are asked about the following limit: $\ \lim\limits_{(x,y)\to(3,\pi)}f(x,y)$

  • we have $x\to 3$ and $y\to \pi$ so we want to compare $f(x,y)$ to $f(3,\pi)=9\sin(\pi)=0$

Our mathematical toolbox works better with limits in $0$ or $\infty$ so when we have a limit in "random" points, we often shift the function to study it around $0$.

  • let set $\begin{cases}x=3+u &&u\to 0\\y=\pi+v&&v\to 0\end{cases}$

Notice $(u,v)\to(0,0)\implies (x,y)\to(3,\pi)$

You were on the right track but I feel that using $\bar x,\bar y$ just add some more confusion (also it is heavy to write), prefer the use of $(u,v)$ or $(h,k)$ or whatever seems familiar to you, using always the same letters will trigger math reflexes.

  • we now have to study $\bigg|f(x,y)-f(3,\pi)\bigg|=\bigg|(3+u)^2\sin(\pi+v)-0\bigg|=\bigg|(3+u)^2\sin(v)\bigg|$

Since $\sin(\pi+v)=-\sin(v)$

Now you recognize $\sin(v)\to 0$ when $v\to 0$, for that we can use the inequality $|\sin(v)|\le |v|$

On the other hand $(3+u)^2$ does not really interests us, let just say $u\to 0$ so it is small, without loss of generality we can assume $|u|<1$ and then $(3+u)^2<16$

Note: look at the end the choice of delta, $|u|<1$ is just convenient and not a limitation.

  • finally we arrived to $\bigg|f(x,y)-f(3,\pi)\bigg|\le 16|v|\to 0$

Now regarding the epsilon-delta definition of the limit, remember that norms in $\mathbb R^2$ are equivalent.

In particular using one of the $3$ standard ones $\begin{cases}\lVert(u,v)\lVert_1=|u|+|v|\\\\\lVert (u,v)\lVert_2=\sqrt{u^2+v^2}\\\\\lVert(u,v)\lVert_\infty=\max(|u|,|v|)\\\end{cases}$ is up to you.

Select the one which is more convenient for the problem at hand

  • since $\begin{cases}|u|\le |u|+|v|&&|u|\le\sqrt{u^2+v^2}\\|v|\le|u|+|v|&&|v|\le\sqrt{u^2+v^2}\end{cases}\implies \lVert(u,v)\lVert_\infty\le\lVert(u,v)\lVert_1\le2\lVert(u,v)\lVert_2$

  • also $\sqrt{u^2+v^2}\le\sqrt{u^2}+\sqrt{v^2}=|u|+|v|\implies \lVert(u,v)\lVert_2\le\lVert(u,v)\lVert_1\le2\lVert(u,v)\lVert_\infty$

In our case since we have to bound $|u|$ and $|v|$ then select $$\delta=\min(1,\frac{\epsilon}{16})\text{ and }\lVert(u,v)\lVert_\infty<\delta$$

We have our result since $\begin{cases}|u|\le\max(|u|,|v|)<\delta\le 1\\|v|\le\max(|u|,|v|)<\delta\le \frac{\epsilon}{16}\end{cases}$

Notice that we do not have to do particularly confusing operations with $x-3$ and $y-\pi$ and square roots. The fact that we used $u,v$ and norm equivalence leads to a natural solution for the problem.

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