Limit of a function using epsilon delta


I'm trying to prove that, for some constant $x_0$

$$\lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{1}{(x-x_0)^{\frac 1 n}} \to 1$$

where I verified the result above with Wolfram Alpha.

I am struggling in the epsilon delta though. Let $\varepsilon > 0$ be given. The problem is that $n \to \infty$ so I'm not sure if I should be doing $|n – \infty| < \delta \implies \left|\frac{1}{(x-x_0)^{\frac 1 n}} – 1\right| < \varepsilon$ or how that $|n – \infty|$ is defined. How should I proceed?

Best Answer

This isn't an $\epsilon - \delta$ proof but rather a standard sequence convergence proof. Further, the limit exists for all $x>x_0$ so I'm not sure why that is part of the question. What you are really trying to prove is that for any positive number $a$ we have


There are many ways to prove this but I prefer this way: We have that


Since $\ln(a)$ is a real number and $e^x$ is continuous at $x=0$ we have


Of course, this proof might not suffice for you depending on what you have already proved but its a good start nonetheless.

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