Limit of a function equal to another function


Suppose there is a function $f(x,y)$, $f:R^2\to R$
Can it be written that $\lim_{x\to c}f(x,y)=g(y)$, where $g$ is a function of $y$ and $g:R\to R$, and $c$ is some constant?
If I use the $\epsilon$$\delta$ defintion of limit.
$\forall \epsilon>0:\exists\delta>0:$
For this to make sense I guess there has to be a 'norm' or a way to calculate |f(x,y)-g(y)|. Or maybe some other way to define this kind of limit. How would I do this?

The reason I want to know this is because I was trying to see if
\lim_{(x,y)\to(c,d)}=\lim_{y\to d} \left( \lim_{x \to c}f(x,y) \right)

Using $\epsilon$$\delta$, when trying to prove it I came across the above statement. So without knowing what $\lim_{x \to c}f(x,y)$ is, or making some assumptions about it, or without a way to find the above norm, this is pointless I think.
So whether can $\lim_{(x,y)\to(c,d)}=\lim_{y\to d}(\lim_{x \to c}f(x,y))$ depends on the above question…maybe

Best Answer

The limit you have defined is perfectly valid. And what you are trying to show in such a case is that for every $y$ $f(x,y)$ converges to some limit as $x \to c$. Since you are very likely to obtain different limit for each $y$, the resulting collection of limits is naturally forms a function $g(y)$.

The next question to ask is how does the convergence run for each $y$? If the same $\delta$ can work for a given $\varepsilon$ and all $y$, then the convergence is uniform. Expressed formally, convergence to $g(y)$ is uniform if for every $\varepsilon >0$ there exists $\delta > 0$ (depending on $\varepsilon$ but not on $y$) such that, $$ | f(x,y)-g(y) |< \varepsilon \text{ for all } y \text{ whenever } |x-c| < \delta.$$

Uniform convergence is helpful because you can start deriving properties of $g$ based on properties of $f(x,y)$. Of course this can also happen when convergence is not uniform, but that often requires more work. In particular if $f(x,y)$ is continuous in $y$ and convergence is uniform then $g(y)$ is also continuous.

Convergence of $f(x,y) \to 3y$ as $x \to 3$ is not uniform when $y$ can take any real value because for large $y$, $x$ has to get closer to $3$ to achieve the same level of approximation. But if you restrict your interest to $y$ in a bounded interval (e.g. $-100 \leqslant y \leqslant 100$) then the worst case arises for $y=\pm 100$ and so convergence is uniform.