$\lim\inf x_n$ can possibly be $-\infty$ or $\infty$? Either or Both


Show that $\lim\inf x_n$ always exists for any sequence $x_n$ of real numbers and can possibly be $-\infty$.

Proof for the existence part is easy if I assume the sequence is bounded finitely. It follows from the Monotone Convergence Theorem. For infinite case also, if the definition of convergence to a limit holds for the sequence $\{\inf_{k\ge n}x_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$, we can extend ourselves and say that it is bounded above by $\infty$ and
$$\sup_n(\inf_{k\ge n}x_n)\text{ is the upper bound of the sequence }\{\inf_{k\ge n}x_n\}\text{ i.e., }\infty.$$

Is this wrong? I got the above question in class and it specifically mentions that $\lim\inf x_n$ might be $-\infty$. Shouldn't that be $\infty$ as I proved above, or even logically from the defintion of $\lim\inf x_n=\sup\inf_{k\ge n}x_k$ (being the supremum of some sequence and possibly being $-\infty$ doesn't make sense).

Best Answer

Given a sequence of real numbers, we can consider the set of accumulation points in the extended real number line. The set is non-empty and it has a minimum. The minimum is called the limes inferior. A convergent sequence has precisely one accumulation point, namely its limit.

That being said, $\infty$ is the limes inferior if and only if the sequence converges to $\infty$ and the limes inferior equals $-\infty$ if and only if the sequence is not bounded from below.