$\lim_{x\to(\pi/2)}(1+\cos x)^{\tan x}$


What is $$\lim_{x\to(\pi/2)}(1+\cos x)^{\tan x}$$

This question came up in a book on Real Analysis. I applied L Hopital's rule, but was unable to reach the answer.

$$\lim_{x\to(\pi/2)}(1+\cos x)^{\tan x}=L$$
$$\ln L=\lim_{x\to(\pi/2)}\tan x\ln (1+\cos x) $$
Writing it as $\dfrac{\ln (1+\cos x)}{\dfrac{1}{\tan x}}$, we get 0/0 form. Applying L Hopital's, it keeps getting longer. What is the right way of solving this?

The answer was given as $e$

Best Answer

It doesn't get longer: $$\frac{[\log(1+\cos x)]'}{\left[\dfrac{1}{\tan x}\right]'}=\frac{\sin^3x}{1+\cos x}.$$