Lie algebra of vector fields on a manifold – perfect

differential-geometrylie-algebrasVector Fields

I feel like what I'm about to ask should be very well-known in the literature, but I just cannot find a good source, neither in my usual literature nor on stackexchange. Recall that a topological Lie algebra $L$ is called perfect if $[L,L] = L$. It is called topologically perfect if the relation holds only in closure, so $\overline{[L,L]} = L$.

Question: Is the Lie algebra of vector fields $\Gamma(TM)$ over a smooth manifold $M$ perfect? For compact manifolds, I think this should be true, using partitions of unity to reduce to neighbourhoods where $TM$ is locally trivial. More generally, I suppose at least topological perfectness should hold (w.r.t the locally convex $C^\infty(M)$-topology for $\Gamma(TM)$), but I'm not sure how to prove this. I was also thinking about using the implication "semisimple $\implies$ perfect", but I am not sure how many of the usual equivalences of the semisimple-property still hold in infinite dimensional Lie algebras. Anyone got an easy proof idea or a reference? Thanks!

Best Answer

You may look at the book of Banyaga on the question. He has shown that the connected component of the group of diffeomorpisms of a compact manifold is simple (or more generally diffeomorphisms with compact support), so its Lie algebra is simple.

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