L’Hospital’s rule – can it be applied multiple times


$\lim_{x\to 2} {x^2 – 4\over x^3 – 4x^2 +4x}$

I used L'Hospital's rule twice on this, and got a solution, but my textbook says it's an indeterminate form. Is using L'Hospital's rule twice wrong, and if yes, why so?

Best Answer

You can use L'Hoptital rules as many times as you like so long as the numerator and denominator make an inderterminate form.

$\frac {x^2 -4}{x^3-4x^2 +4x}_{x=2}\to \frac {2^2-4}{2^3 - 4*2^2 + 4*2} \to \frac 00$.

So we can use it.

First time:

$\frac {(x^2 -4)'}{(x^3 - 4x^2 + 4x)}=\frac {2x}{3x^2 -8x+4}_{x=2} \to \frac {4}{3*4-8*2+ 4} = \frac {4}{0}$.

That is not indeterminate form because the numerator is $4$.

So you can't use it twice.


On the other hand if had $\lim\limits_{x\to 2}\frac {x^3 -6x^2 + 12x - 8}{x^4 - 8x^3 + 24x^2 -32x + 16}$ you could use L'Hopital $3$ times.

$\frac {x^3 -6x^2 + 12x - 8}{x^4 - 8x^3 + 24x^2 -32x + 16}_{x=2}\to\frac 00$

$\frac {3x^2 -12x + 12}{4x^3-24x^2 + 48x -32}_{x=2}\to \frac 00$

$\frac{6x-12}{12x^2 - 48x + 48}_{x=0}\to \frac 00$

$\frac 6{24x - 48}_{x=2} \to \frac 60$.

So $\lim\limits_{x\to 2}\frac {x^3 -6x^2 + 12x - 8}{x^4 - 8x^3 + 24x^2 -32x + 16}=\infty$.