Levi-Civita & Kronecker delta identity

linear algebratensors

I am trying to prove the following identity:


Starting from the following identity:

\delta^i_p & \delta^i_q & \delta^i_r \\
\delta^j_p & \delta^j_q & \delta^j_r \\
\delta^k_p & \delta^k_q & \delta^k_r \\

But, when I expand out the matrix, I end up with:


Contracting by setting r=k, I obtained:




So finally:


Which is the identity I'm trying to prove, except that the right side is multiplied by -1 for some reason. I must be doing something wrong along the way, but I haven't been able to find it. Any ideas?


A similar question has been answered elsewhere, but it is only when expanding the determinant that I arrive at this problem. For that reason, I decided to make a separate post about this.


Added intermediate steps.


As Travis pointed out, I incorrectly replaced $\delta_k^k$ by $1$ instead of $3$. After correcting this, I arrived at the correct solution:


Best Answer

It's hard to say for sure without seeing the intermediate steps of the contraction, but when carrying it out did you perhaps replace $\delta^k{}_k$ with $1$ instead of $3$? The latter is correct, because $$\delta^k{}_k = \delta^1{}_1 + \delta^2{}_2 + \delta^3{}_3 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 .$$

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