Levi Civita Connections vs. Ehresmann connection


Forgive me if I mess some of these concepts up or say something incorrect, I am still figuring out all the details of an Ehresmann connection in an associated vector bundle.

So, how do we relate these two practically? Like for a two sphere I can very easily write down the levi civita connection in the standard way for the usual round metric, but if I wanted to get something equivalent by starting with a connection in the frame bundle I don't really know where to begin.

Specifically, it seems we would have a natural choice of a horizontal distribution on the frame bundle if we have imposed a metric on it (i.e. the horizontal vector fields are those such that $g(\mathfrak{gl},H)=0$, for a metric $g$), but I'm not sure what other conditions I would need to get the equivalent of the levi civita connection in the tangent bundle.

Or would we want to look at an orthonormal frame bundle? I don't see why we would necessitate that other than that maybe the structure group is smaller as it would be $O(n)$ instead of $GL(n)$, but at that point why not consider the bundle of orthonormal frames with the same orientation and use $SO(n)$?

I think I am missing something

Best Answer

For those who come across this question, an explicit answer is handled in depth in the Kobayashi’s foundations of differential geometry. In the special case where $E$ is the tangent bundle, one can think of it as a vector bundle associated to the bundle of orthonormal frames of $TM$. One can then construct a notion of torsion in the frame bundle, and we can find a torsion free, metric compatible connection one form in the bundle of orthonormal that corresponds to the Levi-Civita connection.

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