Let $u$ be the solution to a linear ODE with periodic coefficients, prove that $u$ is $T$ periodic if an only if $u(0) = u(t)$

ordinary differential equationsperiodic functions

Let $a,b: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be periodic continuous functions with period $T$. Consider the following differential equation:

$y' = a(x)y + b(x)$

Let $u: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a solution to the equation. Prove that $u$ is $T$ periodic if and only if $u(0) = u(T)$. Indication: for the second implication, define the function $\phi(x) = u(x+T) – u(x)$, find the ODE it satisfies and apply the Theorem of Existence and Uniqueness properly to conclude.

The first implication is pretty straightforward, but I'm having a bit of trouble when it comes to the second. Here's what I've got so far:

$\Rightarrow$| Using the indication, we can identify the following Cauchy problem:

$\begin{equation} \phi' = a(x)\phi\end{equation}$

$\phi(0) = 0$

We know that $a(x)$ is continuous, so, to properly apply the TEU, $\phi$ must be Lipschitz. In this case, my thought was that it must be globally Lipschitz to assure the periodicity of $u$, but I can't find a way to proof the global condition.

If we asume that $\phi$ is, in fact, globally Lipschitz, then there's a unique solution to the Cauchy Problem given by $\phi(x) = 0$, where we can conclude that $u(x) = u(x+T)$.

My trouble lies in proving the global Lipschitz condition. Is the local condition enough in this case?

Can somebody help me with that?

Best Answer

You have an equation of the form $\phi^\prime = F(x,\phi)$. In your case, $F$ is Lipschitz in $\phi$. Since $a$ is continuous and periodic, we know that it is bounded. Pick $M > 0$ such that $a \leq M$. Then, for any fixed $x$, $$|F(x,\phi_1) - F(x,\phi_2)| = |a(x)\phi_1 - a(x)\phi_2| \leq M |\phi_1 - \phi_2|.$$ We already know that $F$ is continuous in $x$ by hypothesis. This gives you global existence of a unique solution. Since $0$ is a solution, this implies that $\phi \equiv 0$.

The idea is that since $F$ is globally Lipschitz with the same constant, we can glue together local solutions.

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