Let $n ≥ 3$. Find the number of NE lattice paths from $(0, 0)$ to $(n, n)$ that touch the diagonal $y = x$ at least twice


Let $n ≥ 3$. Find the number of NE lattice paths from $(0, 0)$ to $(n, n)$ that touch the
diagonal $y = x$ at least twice (other than at the starting and ending points). Your final answer should not include $\sum$ but may include binomial coefficients.

My idea is to take all of the lattice paths from $(0,0)$ to $(n,n)$ and then subtract off any paths that do not touch the line $y=x$ at all and all of the paths that hit $y=x$ exactly once (other than at the end points). The number of lattice paths from $(0,0)$ to $(n,n)$ is
We can see that the number of paths that never hit the line $y=x$ are simply the number of Dyck paths with $2n-2$ steps (i.e get rid of the first and last step, and you're left with a paths that are contained in the upper half-place $y \geq x+1$). Because we can either start below or above the line $y=x$ and never hit it, we have exactly
paths that never hit the line $y=x$. To determine the number of paths that hit the line $y=x$ exactly once, we split our path into two. If we reflect the portion of the graph below $y=x$, we are left with a ballot sequence of length $2n$. We know that ballot sequences split uniquely into two ballot sequences by removing the first number and the first point at which the partial sum is exactly $0$. This leave us with two new Dyck paths, one with $2k$ steps and one with $2l$ steps, where $k+l=n-1$. The number of paths of $2k$ steps is exactly the number of Dyck paths of length $2k$ contained in the upper-half plane $y\geq x+1$, and he number of paths of $2l$ steps is exactly the number of Dyck paths of length $2l$ contained in the upper-half plane $y\geq x+1$. This is exactly
If we index over all $k+l=n-1$, we recover
This is exactly the recurrence for the Catalan numbers, so by induction we see that
Because we can either start below or above the line $y=x$ and never hit it, we have exactly
paths that hit the line $y=x$ exactly once. Thus, the number of lattice paths from $(0, 0)$ to $(n, n)$ that touch the diagonal $y = x$ at least twice (other than at the starting and ending points) is
For the simple case $n=3$, the correct answer should be $8$, but my formula doesn't yield that. Any help would be amazing!

Best Answer

There are $2C_{n-1}$ paths that never touch the diagonal between the endpoints. A path that touches the diagonal exactly once between the endpoints, at $\langle k,k\rangle$, is the union of a Dyck path of length $k-1$ and a Dyck path of length $n-k-1$, and there are $2$ choices for each of these paths, one above and one below the diagonal. Thus, there are


paths that hit the diagonal exactly once between the endpoints, and the desired number is therefore


As a quick minimal sanity check, for for $n=2$ this is $\binom42-6C_1=0$, and for $n=3$ it is $\binom63-6C_2=20-6\cdot 2=8$, both of which are correct.

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