Let $m$ and $n$ be positive integers such that $m(n-m)=-11n+8$ . Find the sum of all possible values of $m-n$.


Let $m$ and $n$ be positive integers such that $m(n-m)=-11n+8$ . Find the sum of
all possible values of $m-n$.

after manipulation you get the quadratic $0=m^2-mn+(8-11n)$
from that you get $m=\frac{n \pm\sqrt{n^2-4(8-11n)}}{2}$

but Im not sure how to derive all the solutions from this, hints, suggestions and solutions would all be appreciated

taken from the 2018 BIMC

Best Answer


It is better to expres $n$ in terms of $m$ and then use divisibility properties $$n = {m^2+8\over m+11} \implies m+11\mid m^2+8$$

Notice $m+11\mid m^2-121$ so $m+11\mid 129=3\cdot 43$ so $m+11\in\{1,3,43,129\}$ so $m=32$ or $m=118$...