Let $G$ be a simple planar graph in which every vertex has the same degree $k$. Prove that $k \leq 5$

graph theoryplanar-graphs

Let $G$ be a simple planar graph in which every vertex has the same degree $k$. Prove that $k \leq 5$. This is a problem I was given by my professor, but I am struggling to see why it would be true, let alone prove it. It seems to me that any simple graph regular on degree $5$ would have a subgraph of $K_5$, which is not planar. Therefore, the graph itself could not be planar. Any direction on how to disprove my supposed counterexample and start this proof would be extremely helpful!

Best Answer

Due to Euler's formula we know that edges <= 3n-6 in a planar graph. In your graph which is a regular graph the number of edges = kn/2. Now compare 3n-6 to kn/2. k < 6 - 12/n which tends to 6 as n tends to infinity. So k < 6.