Let $G$ be a group of order $385$. Prove that $G$ is not simple.


I want to prove

Let $G$ be a group of order $385$. Prove that $G$ is not simple.

Can you check my attempt please ?

Since a simple group $G$ is a group in which the only normal subgroups are the trivial ones, namely $\{e_G\}$ and $\{G\}$, we want to show here that the given group $G$ has a normal subgroup, we want to show that there is a unique Sylow $p$-subgroup, $n_p=1$ for some prime $p$.

Let $ord(G)=385=5^1 \times7^1 \times11^1$.

Since $5 \nmid7,5 \nmid11$ and $7 \nmid11$, $G$ has subgroups of order $5,7$ and $11$.

So $G$ has $3$ $p$-Sylow-subgroups with $p=5,7,11$:

P a Sylow $5$-subgroup of order $5$

Q a Sylow $7$-subgroup of order $7$

R a Sylow $11$-subgroup of order $11$

With Sylow it follows that $n_{7}|55$ which means

$n_7 \in \{1,5,11,55\}$ and $n_{7}\equiv 1 \mod 7$ but

for $5$ and $11$ $n_{7}\not\equiv 1 \mod 7$ which results in $n_{7}\in \{1\}$

Again with Sylow it follows that $n_{11}|35$ which means

$n_{11} \in \{1,5,7,35\}$ and $n_{11}\equiv 1 \mod 11$ but

for $5,7$ and $11$ $n_{11}\not\equiv 1 \mod 11$ which results in $n_{11}\in \{1\}$

Since we've found an unique Sylow $p$-subgroup, $n_p=1$ for some prime $p$ this group must be a normal subgroup and tehrefore $G$ is not simple.

Best Answer

You've got the right idea, but I think you made a mistake in applying Sylow's theorems.

For instance, since $n_7\equiv 1\pmod 7$, and since $n_7\mid 55$, we have right away that $n_7=1$.

So your counting argument won't be necessary.