Let $f: \mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ that verifies for all $x_1,x_2$: $|f(x_1)-f(x_2)| \leq 5|cos(x_1)-cos(x_2)|$ so $f(x)$ is periodic

calculusfunctionsperiodic functionssolution-verification

Prove: Let $f: \mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ that verifies for all $x_1,x_2$: $|f(x_1)-f(x_2)| \leq 5|cos(x_1)-cos(x_2)|$ so $f(x)$ is periodic.

My answer:

Corrected answer with the help of Martin R

By absurd let suppose that $f(x)$ is not a periodic function. So by the negation of the definition of a periodic function we get: $∃x_0∈R s.t. ∀T∈R⇒f(x_0)≠f(x_0+T)$

If it is true for all T it is in particular true when for T=2π and in this case we get::

on one side $|f(x_0)−f(x_0+2π)|>0$ as $f(x_0)≠f(x_0+2π)$ by the asbsurd assumption.
on the other side : $|cos(x_0)−cos(x_0+2π)|=0$
Contradiction as |f(x_0)−f(x_0+2π)| can not be at the same time STRICTLY positive and STRICTLY EQUAL to zero.

False first answer

By absurd let suppose that $f(x)$ is not a periodic function. That means $\forall x' \in \mathbb{R}$ it exists only a finite number of points (sequence) $(x'_n)_{1\leq n \leq N}$ s.t. $f(x')=f(x'_n)=y'$ and that $f(x)$ is not necessarly bounded.

If it is true for all $x$ it is in particular true for the following two sequences $(x_{1n}=2 \pi n)_{1\leq n \leq N} \Rightarrow f(x_{1n})=y_1 \; \forall 1\leq n \leq N$
$(x_{2n}=2 \pi n)_{N_{2i}\leq n \leq N_{2f}} \Rightarrow f(x_{2n})=y_2 \; \forall N_{2i}\leq n \leq N_{2f} $.
Make attention to the fact that by assumption $y_1 \neq y_2$. In other words $f(x)$ equal to $y_1$ on only a finish set of points which are all differents from the finish set of points where $f(x)=y_2 \neq y_1$, and this set is too finih.

Now it came that on one side: $|f(x_{1n})-f(x_{2n})|=|y_1-y_2|>0$ as $y_1 \neq y_2$.
And on the other side we get: $|cos(x_{1n})-cos(x_{2n})|=|1-1|=0$
Contradiction as in this case we get: $0<|f(x_{1n})-f(x_{2n})|=|y_1-y_2| \leq 5|cos(x_{1n})-cos(x_{2n})|=0$ Hence in he same time $|f(x_{1n})-f(x_{2n})|$ is STRICLY greater than zero AND equal to zero and that impossible.

Is this correct? I am sincerelly completely stuck on this (good) question and i don' see any other way to prove it. I will be happy to read differents answers.

Thank you

Best Answer

You said

By absurd let suppose that $f(x)$ is not a periodic function. That means $\forall x' \in \mathbb{R}$ it exists only a finite number of points (sequence) $(x'_n)_{1\leq n \leq N}$ s.t. $f(x')=f(x'_n)=y'$.

but that is not a valid conclusion. For example $f(x) = x \sin(x)$ is not periodic, but all values are taken infinitely often.

A simple direct proof would be: For all $x \in \Bbb R$ is $$ |f(x+2 \pi)- f(x)| \le 5 |\cos(x + 2 \pi) - \cos(x)| = 0 \\ \implies f(x+2 \pi) = f(x) \, , $$ which shows that $f$ is $2\pi$-periodic.

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