Let $E$ be a vector space and $V$ its subspace. Is there a linear functional $f$ such that $\ker f = V$

linear algebralinear-transformationsvector-spaces

I'm interested in below question.

Let $E$ be a vector space and $V$ its subspace. Is there a linear functional $f$ such that $V = \ker f$?

A proof is given here. However, the result seems to be not true in below simple example. Could you have a check on my counter-example?

Now consider $E := \mathbb R^n$ with $\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}$ being its basis. Let $\{e_d, \ldots, e_n\}$ with $2<d<n$ be a basis of $V$. Clearly, the required $f$ has to sastify $f(e_i) = 0$ for all $i \ge d$ and $f(e_i) \neq 0$ for all $i < d$. Let $\lambda_i := f(e_i)$ for all $i < d$. Let $a := -\lambda_1 / \lambda_2 \neq 0$. Then $f(x) = 0$ with $x := e_1 + a e_2$. Clearly, $x \in \ker f$ and $x \notin V$. It follows that such $f$ does not exist.

Best Answer

What you have done is correct. More simply the kernel of $f$ has co-dimension $1$ unless $f \equiv 0$. So any $V$ whose co-dimension is more than $1$ would give a counter-example.

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