Let $E$ be a reflexive Banach space and $M$ its closed linear subspace. Then $M$ is reflexive


I'm trying to re-phrase this proof in Brezis's book of Functional Analysis.

Let $E$ be a reflexive Banach space and $M$ its closed linear subspace. Then $M$ is reflexive.

Could you have a check if I understand and apply concept of compactness/subspace topology correctly?

PS: I posted my proof separately so that I can accept my own answer to remove my question from unanswered list. Surely, if other people post answers, then I will happily accept theirs.

Best Answer

By Kakutani's theorem, $M$ is reflexive if and only if $B_M := \{x\in M | |x| \le 1\}$ is compact in the weak topology $\sigma(M, M')$. Notice that $\sigma(M, M')$ coincides with the subspace topology that $\sigma(E, E')$ induces on $M$. So $M$ is reflexive if and only if $B_M$ is compact in $\sigma(E, E')$.

Also by Kakutani's theorem, we have $B_E$ is compact in $\sigma(E,E')$. A closed subset of a compact set is also compact, so it suffices to show that $B_M$ is closed in $B_E$ w.r.t. $\sigma(E, E')$. This is indeed true because $B_M = M \cap B_E$ where $M$ is convex and closed in norm topology, and thus closed in $\sigma(E, E')$.