Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be any two distinct complex numbers,then $|\alpha-\sqrt{\alpha^2-\beta^2}|+|\alpha+\sqrt{\alpha^2-\beta^2}|=$

complex numbers

Let $ \alpha $ and $\beta $ be any two distinct complex numbers,then $|\alpha-\sqrt{\alpha^2-\beta^2}|+|\alpha+\sqrt{\alpha^2-\beta^2}|=$

My Attempt

Let $z_1=\alpha-\sqrt{\alpha^2-\beta^2}$,


$z_1$ and $z_2$ are the roots of the complex valued equation

$z^2-2\alpha z+{\beta}^2=0$





now since alpha and beta are complex we cannot assume the roots to be conjugate and hence

$\overline{z_1}=z_2$ does not hold and consequently I am unable to find the necessary equations to solve for the value of


Please help me out!

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In order to simplify the calculation, and to avoid confusion with the two possible values of the complex square root, it is useful to define $w$ as a square root of $\alpha^2 - \beta^2$ (is does not matter which one), and then work only with the property that $w^2 = \alpha^2 - \beta^2$.

Using the parallelogram law twice one gets $$ \begin{align} \bigl( |\alpha -w | + |\alpha+w| \bigr)^2 &= |\alpha -w|^2 + |\alpha+w|^2 + 2|\alpha^2-w^2| \\ &= 2 |\alpha|^2 + 2 |w|^2 + 2|\beta|^2 \\ &= |\alpha + \beta|^2 + 2 |\alpha^2 - \beta^2| + |\alpha-\beta|^2 \\ &= \bigr(|\alpha + \beta| + |\alpha-\beta| \bigr)^2 \end{align} $$ and therefore $$ |\alpha -w | + |\alpha+w| = |\alpha + \beta| + |\alpha-\beta| \, . $$

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