Let $\aleph_\alpha$ be a singular cardinal and $2^{\aleph_\xi}=\aleph_\beta$ for all $\xi<\alpha$. Then $2^{\aleph_\alpha}=\aleph_\beta$


Let $\aleph_\alpha$ be a singular cardinal. Let us assume that the value of $2^{\aleph_\xi}$ is the same for all $\xi<\alpha$, say $2^{\aleph_\xi}=\aleph_\beta$. Then $2^{\aleph_\alpha}=\aleph_\beta$.

My textbook Introduction to Set Theory by Hrbacek and Jech presents a proof as follows:

enter image description here

  1. I am unable to get $\color{blue}{\text{By the assumption, we have }2^{\kappa_i}=\aleph_\beta\text{ for all }i\in I}$.

In this proof, $\kappa_i<\aleph_\alpha$, but I do not see why $\kappa_i=\aleph_\xi$ for some $\xi<\alpha$. I think it is possible that $\kappa_i<\aleph_0$ for some $i\in I$ and thus $2^{\kappa_i}\neq 2^{\aleph_\xi}$ for all $\xi<\alpha$. In this case, we can not use the assumption as the authors did.

  1. I am also unable to understand why the authors are sure that $\color{blue}{|I|=\aleph_\gamma}$. I can not rule out the possibility that $|I|\in\omega$.

Please elaborate on these points. Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Start by disregarding any finite $\kappa_i$: they don't contribute to the sum anyway and $I$ only gets smaller, and also note that $I$ cannot be finite, or the sum would be the maximal element in the sum which is stricty less than $\aleph_\alpha$. This is always the case when writing a singular cardinal as a small sum of smaller elements. So $I$ is an infinite cardinal, and so are all $\kappa_i$ and so equal to alephs (under AC, which we are).

As $\kappa_i < \aleph_\alpha$ and so $\kappa_i = \aleph_\gamma$ for some $\gamma < \alpha$ (if $\gamma \ge \alpha$, we'd have $\kappa_i=\aleph_\gamma \ge \aleph_\alpha$, as $\gamma \to \aleph_\gamma$ is monotonous). And then it's an immediate application of the theorem's assumptions that $2^{\kappa_i} = \aleph_\beta$.

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