Let $A$ be a connected subspace of $X$. If $A\subset B\subset\bar{A}$, then $B$ is also connected.


Let $A$ be a connected subspace of $X$. If $A\subset B\subset\bar{A}$,
then $B$ is also connected.

My attempt: Let $A$ be a connected subspace of $X$ and let $A\subset B\subset\bar{A}.$ Suppose that $B=C\cup D$ is a separation of $B$. So $A\subseteq C$ or $A\subseteq D$. Suppose $A\subseteq C$. Then $\bar{A}\subseteq \bar{C}$.

So how can I continue the attempt, may you help?

Best Answer

You're almost there. If $\overline A \subset \overline C$, we know $\overline C = \overline A$, because the other inclusion follows from $C\subset B\subset\overline A$ (Take the closure).

It follows then that $D=B\setminus C = \emptyset$, which is a contradiction.