Length of curves in curved space via metrics


If we have a curve in the plane, we calculate the length as

$\int_{a}^{b} \mid f^{'}(t) \mid dt$

to generalize this to the setting of an arbitrary manifold we define the metric tensor $g$ and the above formula turns into

$\int_{a}^{b} \sqrt{ g(\dot{\gamma},\dot{\gamma})} dt$

for a curve $\gamma$ on a manifold.

I am trying to get the idea behind this generalization and started to look at the Pythagorean theorem. In the first,"flat space" case we calculate the length of the tangent via the $dx^{2} + dy^{2}$ and these direction contribute equally. But when the space is curved as say a surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ then I assume that these get weighted in some sense. I.e there is a new way of calculating the length of the tangent.

I have hard time seeing and understanding this geometrically. Hence I ask,

Is the above intuition the correct way to understand the idea of a Riemann metric?

And if so, how do I view this geometrically to make sense, for example if I have a surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$

In other words is there a way to actually see why the measure of tangent vectors change in the surface and how this is relating the the bending of the surface.

Best Answer

I do not think this is the right idea. On a surface inside $\mathbb R^3$, the line element still is $$ds^2=dx^2+dy^2+dz^2.$$

You see different formulas when you introduce local coordinates on the surface. For example, consider the paraboloid of equation $z=x^2+y^2$. Then, $dz=2xdx+2ydy$ and so $$ dz^2=4x^2dx^2+ 4y^2dy^2 + 4xy(dxdy+dydx).$$ Therefore, the line element on the paraboloid is $$\tag{1} ds^2=(4x^2+1)dx^2 + (4y^2+1)dy^2 + 4xy(dxdy+dydx).$$

In Riemannian geometry, they take this kind of reasoning one step further. A manifold is given as an abstract object, that needs not be included in $\mathbb R^3$ or in $\mathbb R^n$. Which implies that there is no $dx^2+dy^2+dz^2$ anymore. You have to specify an expression such as (1), which in modern terminology takes the name of metric tensor; you do not compute it, like we just did here.

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