Lee’s definition of free abelian group


In Topological manifolds (Book), Lee defined the free product then free group by construction. i.e. defining a word and making set of all words a group. After that he defined Free Abelian Group in different way. A reader expects this definition: "A Free abelian Group is a free group that is also abelian", but he first defined the following operator

A formal linear combination of elements of
is a map from $S$ to $\Bbb Z$ that takes the value zero for all but finitely many $\sigma\in S$.


Under the operation of pointwise addition, the set of all such functions is an abelian
group, denoted by $\Bbb ZS$ and called the free abelian group on $S$.

Why he used this definition instead of expected one? Can anyone explain the above definition for $S=\{a,b,c\}$?

Edited after comments: Are these two different things? "Free abelian group" and " abelian free group"?

Best Answer

As in the comments: free (abelian group) is not the same as abelian (free group). The order/grouping of words cannot be interchanged, as it happens, (though in a different universe it might have been otherwise), because most free groups are not abelian (that is "abelian (free group)" refers to only one non-trivial thing, $\mathbb Z$), while there are many free (abelian groups).

In both cases the constructions given are typical, but do not clearly explain the function of the things constructed. A simple and standard categorical characterization succeeds in characterizing both: given a category $C$ (of either all groups, or just abelian groups, or possibly some other types of things), so that every object $X$ in $C$ has an underlying set ${\mathrm set}X$ (for example, $X$ is a set plus structure), a free object $F(S)$ in $C$ on a set $S$ is an object in $C$ such that every map of sets $f:S\to {\mathrm set}X$ gives a unique $C$-morphism $F(S)\to X$ (restricting to $f$ on $S$...) We can check that the two constructions you mention succeed in exhibiting free objects in the two categories.

The free group $F(S)$ on a set $S$ does map to the free abelian group $FA(S)$, induced from the identity map $f:S\to S$... so the free abelian group is a quotient of the free group. You can check that the kernel is generated by commutators, unsurprisingly.

EDIT: it might be useful to add another operation here, "abelianization" of a group $G$, which creates the largest quotient ${\mathrm ab}G$ of $G$, with a quotient map $G\to {\mathrm ab}G$. (No, it's not a-priori clear that there is a unique such, etc...) The map from free group on $S$ to free abelian group on $S$ is exactly the abelianization map.