Lebesgue measure of closed interval


In Royden's real analysis book(page 42-43), we have the result that

outer measure of a closed interval on $\mathbb{R}$ is its length.

And to do this we construct an open cover one by one, since exist finite cover the process will terminate. And we get the result.But I have a question that has confused me for a long time.Why finite cover is necessary.In other words why we must need a process that will terminate.

Note that outer measure of a set is defined as

$m^{*}(A)=\inf \left\{\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \ell\left(I_{k}\right) | A \subseteq \bigcup_{k=1}^{\infty} I_{k}\right\}$

Where $I_k$ is non empty open bounded interval on the line.Hence it means outer measure is inf of sum of all length of countable open cover.

Best Answer

Since closed intervals $A$ of finite length are compact, any open cover of $A$ admits a finite subcover. So we can restrict our attention to finite covers. It is not necessary to do this, it's just more convenient. In the comments, we developed a guess saying that one could use connectedness instead of compactness to prove this.

Having established that $m^*((a,b)) = \ell((a,b))$, one way to prove that $m^*(A) = \ell(A)$ without using compactness would be as follows. Since the set consisting of the endpoints of $A$ has measure zero (it is countable), removing them from $A$ yields a set of the same measure. Since the set obtained is the interior of $A$ we can conclude by just showing that open intervals have measure equal to their length. (Note that Royden does not prove this first, but I'm sure it can be done somehow.)