Least upper-bound property

analysisreal numbersreal-analysis

I started reading Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, and I had a question about step number three in the construction of real numbers (Chapter 1, appendix)
This part of the construction says that the set P has the property of the least upper bound.

enter image description here

I have several questions:

  1. Why there always exist $\alpha$ $\in$ A? I understand that $\alpha$ looks something like this: (-$\infty$, 0). For example, A(4, 5), B[5, $\infty$)
  2. Why does it follow from all of the aforementioned in step 3 that the union of all sets $\alpha$ is the upper bound of set A?

Best Answer

For your first question, there will always exist some cut $\alpha\in A$ because $A$ is defined to be a nonempty subset of $R$, and $R$, by definition, is the set containing every cut of $Q$, and is thus only cuts, so by definition, $A$ must contain at least 1 element, and those elements must all be cuts, so $\alpha$ will exist.

For your second question, the union of all the cuts contained in $A$, $\gamma$, must be the least upper bound of A because if you consider some element of $R$ that is an upper bound of $A$, $\beta$, by the definition of upper bounds and the ordering of $R$, every $\alpha \in A$ is a subset of $\beta$, and thus their union is also a subset of $\beta$, so $\gamma\subset\beta$, thus $\gamma\le\beta$, and $\gamma$ is less than an arbitrary upper bound of $A$, and thus every upper bound of $A$. Furthermore, because $\gamma$ is the union of all elements of $A$, every $\alpha\in A$ is a subset of $\gamma$ by the definition of a union. Thus, $\alpha\le\gamma$, therefore $\gamma$ is an upper bound of $A$, and is less than every other upper bound of $A$, and so is the least upper bound of $A$, by definition.

A bit verbose, but I tried to not skip any steps. Hope this helps!