Least squares solution for 2 perpendicular lines in vector notation

lagrange multiplierleast squareslinear algebra

I have the convex hull of the corner of a building in 2D and I am trying to fit 2 perpendicular lines to the set of points on that hull to get me the orientation of the corner. I have a solution but its not useful for cases where one of the lines passes through the origin. Please let me know if any of the derivations aren't clear, I have only included the key results for the sake of being concise but can add more.

Say I have 2 sets of 2D points $\mathcal{X}_1$ and $\mathcal{X}_2$ belonging to line $l_1: \mathbf{x}^t\mathbf{n}=1$ and $l_2: \mathbf{x}^t\mathbf{Rn}/\alpha=1$ where $\mathbf{R}$ is a 90 degrees rotation matrix. This means that the distance of the line from the origin is given by one over the magnitude of $\mathbf{n}$.

Solution 1:

I can formulate a cost function:

$C = ||\mathcal{X}_1\mathbf{n}-\mathbf{1}_1||_2^2+||\mathcal{X}_2\mathbf{Rn}/\alpha – \mathbf{1}_2||_2^2$

where $\mathbf{1}_i$ is a vector of 1s with length equal to the number of points in set $i$

I can solve this equation easily giving:

$\mathbf{n} = \mathcal{X}_1^+\mathbf{1}_1$

$\alpha = ||\mathcal{X}_2\mathbf{Rn}||_1/N_2$

where $N_2$ is the number of points in set 2.

Firstly, I find it curious that the solution for $\mathbf{n}$ does not depend on any of the points in set 2, but also as mentioned, for a line that passes through the origin the answer is difficult to compute.

Solution 2

Instead, if I formulate the lines as $l_1: \mathbf{x}^t\mathbf{n}=d_1$ and $l_2: \mathbf{x}^t\mathbf{Rn}=d_2$ but this time constrain $\mathbf{n}$ to be a unit vector I can write my cost function using a lagrange multiplier to keep the constraint:

$C = ||\mathcal{X}_1\mathbf{n}-\mathbf{d}_1||_2^2+||\mathcal{X}_2\mathbf{Rn} – \mathbf{d}_2||_2^2 + \lambda(\mathbf{n^Tn}-1)$

This solution I am having trouble getting to a solution for – perhaps I am missing a constraint? Anyway if I differentiate with respect to $\mathbf{n}$ and set to 0 I get the following:

$(\mathcal{X}_1^T\mathcal{X}_1 + \mathbf{R}^T\mathcal{X}_2^T\mathcal{X_2}\mathbf{R} + \lambda\mathbf{I})\mathbf{n}=\mathcal{X}_1\mathbf{d}_1 + \mathbf{R}^T\mathcal{X}_2^T\mathbf{d}_2$

differentiating with respect to $\mathbf{d}_1$ and setting to 0 (noting that $\mathbf{d}_i=d_i\mathbf{1}_i$ and hence differentiating with respect to either the vector or scalar version and setting to 0 is equivalent)

I get $\mathbf{d}_1 = \mathcal{X}_1\mathbf{n}$ and similarly $\mathbf{d}_2 = \mathcal{X}_2\mathbf{Rn}$. First off this seems odd as it is an exact solution assuming no noise, but also when I substitute this to above everything cancels to give me $\lambda\mathbf{n}=0$ and I have no idea where to go from here.

Any help in how to get solution 2 making use of Lagrange multipliers would be grand – I have tried looking at formulating the problem in homogenous coordinates and am in the process of seeing whether that would work, but I a confused as to why the above gives no clear solution (or where my errors might be).


As requested in the comments here is a link to 4 different sets of
sample data

For context, the purpose of this task is that I have some 3D data of the corner of a building and I am trying to work out the corner planes to align it with a coordinate axis. I have aligned the ground plane with a principal axis and then collapsed the points into 2D (effectively getting a plan view). Finally, to get the data presented I kept taking convex hulls until I had at least 50 points with a certain separation.

The data is unlabelled, and the process assigns points to a line based on proximity, although arguably a better classification scheme is likely possible since I know that it will be a corner.


To clarify my question isn't how to find a solution to the problem – I already have one, my question is why solution 2 using Lagrange multipliers doesn't lead to a straightforward solution despite the almost trivial difference in formulation between Solution 1 and Solution 2.

Best Answer


$$ g_1(x,y) = y-y_0-m(x-x_0)\\ g_2(x,y) = y-y_0+\frac 1m(x-x_0) $$

and $T_1, T_2$ the data sets, we can formulate the minimization problem

$$ \min_{x_0,y_0,m}\left(\sum_{p_k\in T_1}g_1(p_k)^2+\sum_{p_k\in T_2}g_2(p_k)^2\right) $$

Follows a MATHEMATICA script to perform the calculations

Data preparation

g1[x_, y_] := y - y0 - m (x - x0)
g2[x_, y_] := y - y0 + 1/m (x - x0)
m = 1.5;
x0 = 2; y0 = 1; e = 0.2;
T1 = Table[{x + RandomReal[{-e, e}], y0 + m (x + RandomReal[{-e, e}] - x0)}, {x, 0, 10, 1/2}]
T2 = Table[{x + RandomReal[{-e, e}], y0 - 1/m (x + RandomReal[{-e, e}] - x0)}, {x, 0, 10, 1/2}]

Data processing

Clear[x0, y0, m]
f = Sum[g1[First[T1[[k]]], Last[T1[[k]]]]^2, {k, 1, Length[T1]}] + Sum[g2[First[T2[[k]]], Last[T2[[k]]]]^2, {k, 1, Length[T2]}];
sol = Minimize[f, {x0, y0, m}]
gr1 = ListPlot[T1];
gr2 = ListPlot[T2];
gr3 = ContourPlot[(g1[x, y] /. sol[[2]]) == 0, {x, 0, 10}, {y, -5, 5},
ContourStyle -> Red];
gr4 = ContourPlot[(g2[x, y] /. sol[[2]]) == 0, {x, 0, 10}, {y, -5, 5},
ContourStyle -> Red];
Show[gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1.6]

enter image description here


Considering the furnished data with the sets $T_1, T_2$ mixed, the algorithm is as follows. Given a corner defined by

$$ p = \Lambda(p_0,\vec v,\lambda_1,\lambda_2) = \cases{p_0+\lambda_1\vec v\\ p_0+\lambda_2\vec v^{\top}},\ \ \ \{\lambda_1 \ge 0, \lambda_2 \ge 0, \vec v\cdot \vec v^{\top} = 0,\ ||\vec v||= 1\} $$

we calculate for each data point $p_k$ the minimum euclidean distance to $\Lambda(p_0,\vec v,\lambda_1,\lambda_2)$ which is $\left|\Lambda(p_0,\vec v,\lambda_1^k,\lambda_2^k)-p_k\right|$ and after that we minimize

$$ f(p_0,\vec v)=\sum_{k=1}^n\left|\Lambda(p_0,\vec v,\lambda_1^k,\lambda_2^k)-p_k\right| $$

The optimization MATHEMATICA script below implements this algorithm.

dist[vx_?NumericQ, vy_?NumericQ, px_?NumericQ, py_?NumericQ, pk_]:= Module[{lambda, d1,d2, v1 = {vx, vy}, v2 = {vy, -vx}, p0 = {px, py}},
lambda = -v1.(p0 - pk)/(v1.v1); 
If[lambda > 0, d1 = Sqrt[(p0 - pk + lambda v1).(p0 - pk + lambda v1)], 
d1 = Sqrt[(p0 - pk).(p0 - pk)]]; 
lambda = -v2.(p0 - pk)/(v2.v2); 
If[lambda > 0, d2 = Sqrt[(p0 - pk + lambda v2).(p0 - pk + lambda v2)], 
d2 = Sqrt[(p0 - pk).(p0 - pk)]]; Return[Min[d1, d2]]
sol = NMinimize[{Sum[dist[vx, vy, px, py, data[[k]]], {k, 1, Length[data]}], vx^2 + vy^2 == 1, -0.3 < px < 0.2, 0 < py < 0.4}, {vx, vy, px, py}, Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"]

The results are shown below. Here data represents each of the furnished sets 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt,4.txt

enter image description here

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here