Largest divisible subgroup of an abelian group


How do I prove that any abelian group $G$ contains divisible subgroup $H$, such that $G / H$ has no divisible subgroups other than $\{0\}$?


1) Using Zorn's lemma was suggested to me in the comments, so I started figuring out how to construct a partially ordered set that would allow me to extract maximal divisible subgroup.

2) A hint also provided a simple useful proposition for me to prove.

Edit: Based on the hints and my attempts in the comments, I have figured out the solution, which I have posted as an answer.

Best Answer

Zorn's lemma is not needed.

I'll use additive notation for the abelian group $G$.

The sum of any family of divisible subgroups is divisible.

Indeed, let $(H_\alpha)$ be a family of divisible subgroups and $H=\sum_\alpha H_\alpha$. Let $x\in H$; then $x=\sum_{i=1}^n x_{\alpha_i}$, for $x_{\alpha_i}\in H_{\alpha_i}$. If $m>0$ is an integer, then for each $i$, there is $y_i\in H_{\alpha_i}$ with $$ my_i=x_{\alpha_i} $$ Set $y=\sum_{i=1}^ny_i$; then $y\in H$ and $my=x$.

Thus you can consider the sum $D$ of all divisible subgroups of $G$, which is a divisible subgroup and the larges such.

Let's prove that $G/D$ has no divisible subgroup except $\{0\}=D/D$.

To this end we show that if $A$ is a divisible subgroup of $B$ and $B/A$ is divisible, then also $B$ is divisible. Let $x\in B$ and $m>0$. By assumption there is $y\in B$ such that $$ x+A=my+A $$ (since $B/A$ is divisible). This means that $x-my\in A$, which is divisible as well, so there is $z\in A$ with $mz=x-my$. Hence $x=m(y+z)$ as desired.

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